SPIRIT: Garden Inspiration
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Dan Pearson is one of the most important and influential landscape designers working today. At the heart of all his gardens lies an unshakeable theme – his reverence for the power and delicacy of nature: the spirit of the place.
This personal collection of new writing, illustrated by his own photographs, explores the sources of inspiration behind Dan's work. It reveals his response to landscapes both natural and designed, and the people, places and plants that have inspired him.
Foreword by Beth Chatto
Dan Pearson has long been one of the most deep-thinking and intense garden designers around, and his new book, an attempt to capture the fugitive moods of places, brilliantly conveys his attitude to art and nature. The book has a hand-made feel, which is refreshingly against the grain of glossy mainstream garden publishing.
The Telegraph
For anyone who wants to cultivate an awareness of what a place is about, this is a terrific way of learning how to take the time to look at and understand the essence of any natural, or man-made, object. This is a book that should appeal to non- gardeners as much as to plant-lovers. It is also a rarely beautiful object.
The Spectator
As much biographical as it is philosophical, this is a swatch-book of the memories, emotions, sounds and images that have guided Pearson's work.
It's a model for the kind of record that we should all keep; an archive to help make us better gardeners. If you haven't got your own, you couldn't do better than use Dan Pearson's.
Gardens Illustrated
This is a very different kind of garden book, a breath of fresh air. It describes a more lateral way of thinking about gardens and landscapes – a great book for anyone who is searching for a new way of approaching garden design.
Paul Smith
It's impressionistic approach makes this ethereal book stand out from its workaday how-to counterparts... halfway between the introverted style of a diary and an idiosyncratic garden blog.
The New York Times
Dan Pearson's philosophy of gardening, so sensitively portrayed in this deeply felt, personal book, provides hope and inspiration for all of us who welcome a visionary in these changing times.
Beth Chatto