The Marriage of Reason & Squalor
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198x128 mm softback
308 pages
24 colour plates
ISBN 978-0-9558620-0-7
Published 2008
In his first work of fiction, artist Jake Chapman slashes the romantic
novel down to bare bone and constructs his own disfigured version
from the slaughtered remains.
Chlamydia Love is gifted her very own tropical island by her fiancé,
where she develops a grudging adoration for its real owner, the
enigmatic bestselling author, Helmut Mandragorass. A battle between
her fiancé and Helmut ensues, for ownership of the island and
ultimately for the love of Chlamydia.
This mercilessly subversive tale is illustrated by Chlamydia's
watercolours entitled Visions of Morass, images inspired by the island
as she struggles with her feelings of agony and ecstasy.
It took him four years to write and is quite a read; twisted, visceral, mangled and dense - indigestible for some, compelling for others.
ES magazine
Jake Chapman rips off arms and hurls them against the glibness and facility that characterise contemporary literature, whether mass market or literary. His first novel is triumphantly, insanely and beautifully unreadable – my eyes bled.
Will Self
It's a kind of analogue for the visual work that I make with my brother, and I guess the best way to describe it would be as a cure for insomnia, or a good book to prop up a wonky table.
Jake Chapman in Artforum