BibliOdyssey: Amazing Archival Images From The Internet
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Across the world, libraries and institutions are just beginning to make
their collections available online, much of this amazing material goes
unnoticed by the casual surfer.
BibliOdyssey's mission has been to search the dustier corners of the
internet and retrieve these materials for our enjoyment. Thanks to the
efforts of this singular weblog, a myriad of long-forgotten imagery has
now resurfaced. Each of these fascinating images is accompanied by
a commentary from PK, author and curator of BibliOdyssey, and a link
to the source website.
With a foreword by artist Dinos Chapman, BibliOdyssey is a journey in discovery and delight – a true cabinet of curiosities.
My favourite illustrated book of the year. Like the best illustrated books, it offers the reader aesthetic and intellectual pleasure.
Peter Terzian, Newsday
BibliOdyssey is not just a straightforward compilation of images taken from one of the web's most pleasingly arcane corners, it's also a Fuel monograph, ensuring that author PK's online toiling makes a genuine visual splash in the real world.
This book - compiled from a blog that scours the internet for unusual illustrations from antique books, magazines and ephemera - is a great source of visual inspiration. It also has an entertaining foreword by Dinos Chapman.
One of the most riveting books of 2007. A toothsome visual feast, sometimes beautiful, often sinister, that shines a light into the dustiest corners of human history.